
Friday, August 8, 2014

Blood Angels WIP

Here are some photos of what I've done.
My Sternguard Veteran Sarge.

Another angle of the Sarge.

Another shot
Dread with accompanying Tactical Marine.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blood Angels WIP

Well it has been awhile. I recently bought some Army Painter supplies to finish off my Blood Angel army. I got the Dragon Red spray and some Strong Tone QuickShade. I have sprayed all my remaining marines and am now in the process of painting them up. I have a lot to accomplish.
I have to paint:

  • 30 Tactical Marines
  • 10 Vanguard Veterans
  • 20ish Assault Marines with jump packs 
  • 5 Sternguard Veterans
  • Command Razorback
  • Finish a Dreadnought
I will post some pictures as I move along.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

6mm Modern

In the past month or so has seen the completion of some modern American 6mm forces. I only use GHQ models based on the fact that they are the finest quality that I can find for this scale. Their stuff is really great!
US Stryker Company

A US Bradley IFV with the backend of an AbramsA1
I have also been working on some terrain using the Terrain Maker system form GHQ. I've been making some fields and such to break up those lines of sight.
Got some Red Chinese up top and some US forces laying in Ambush.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Chaos in The Imperium

I decided to paint up some World Eaters in the old Legion scheme because I liked it more than the red scheme. I also have Blood Angels so two red armies would look weird, and it really pops on the table-top.
World Eater Terminator
Here is a few shots of Traitor Marines from the World Eaters Legion:

World Eater Captain Kor The Dismemberer
The Mutilator- Kor's Deamon infested blade!
The Horrid Backside of Kor!

Warhammer 40k

I have been painting lately and have finished up some HQ models. This is my version of Captain Tycho of the Blood Angels Chapter. I have mixed and matched various pieces from the Blood Angel Death Company and Sanguinary Guard boxes to make him.
Captain Tycho
I have also been working on my Space Wolves HQ. I didn't like the old GW version of Ragnar Blackmane so again I decided to make one myself. (Nothing wrong with that).


Hello Internet Users.
I have created this blog to share my interest in wargaming with little dudes (miniatures). I have been interested in them since I was a little dude myself.