
Monday, December 26, 2016

Holiday Gaming!

         I have received some cigar box battle-mats for Christmas and they are fantastic!
Here are some photos of them.

I set them up with some of my terrain and 6mm Modern Micro Armour minis. The mat is very versatile and I love how to make it geomorphic by just putting cut pieces of Styrofoam insulation under the mat to make hills and valleys.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Slaughter Cult is incoming!

I picked up the Khorne Deamonkin book recently and decided to do some painting! I have several Chaos space marine squads and berzerker squads from way back that I never really finished. I decided to paint them up based off a scheme I found in the book. I chose the white accents on black and deep red. It seemed a much better scheme to use so as to not be confused with my Blood Angels. I really like the scheme as it gives a bloody, dark,vicious feel to the army!

I picked up a few extra boxes to round out some and before I knew it I had another large army to paint!
1 Converted AOS Khorne warlord
36 ish Khorne berzerkers
40 ish Chaos Space Marines
10 Terminators
10 Bloodletters
2 Chaos lords
1 Converted Abaddon
3 Hellbrutes
1 Predator
7 ish Chosen
1 HUGE Bloodthirster for UltraForge.
60 Cultists
10 Warp Talons
20 Beastmen Gors (thinking use as bloodletters because I really like the models and remember somewhere Khorne has beastmen running around!)

I have about 1/3 to 1/4 painted up so far and am bouncing back and forth with different armies trying to finish them off and get table-top ready.

 Here are a couple pictures of my terminator with autocannon.

Two Squad leaders.

I really like the bone white weapons and helmet.

Chaos Marines have such awesomely detailed models! Yuge fan of the axe

The deamon in his armor plates was fun to paint.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Adeptus Mechcanicus!

I purchased an army worth of Skitarii last spring on the cheap through e-bay. I bought 3 getting started boxes, two Kastelan Robot boxes, two Skitarii Vanguard squad boxes, 4 Ruststalkers/Infiltrators boxes, and finally (but not least) a Renegade box with 2!! Imperial Knights! Included in the getting started boxes were 3 Skitarii Ranger squads, 3 Onager Duncrawlers, and 3 Tech Priest Dominus.

My paint scheme was going to be a cobalt blue and deep blue with white highlights but after painting a squad of Vanguard and a Kastelan I didn't like it. So I switched over to a Ryza style paint scheme using Vallejo game color "orange fire" as my orange. Whew... it really make the model POP!
Here you can see the blue scheme vs the orange one.

Much more eye catching!

A Ruststalker.
Here you can see the vast difference between the color schemes. I REALLY like the orange fire color. I used Army Painter red wash to shade the orange and vallejo cavalry brown as the red accent. I ended up using the cobalt blue as ground color as they are fighting over a rich mineral world searching for STC's!
WIP one of the Imperial Knights. I used different colors so I could use him in other armies.
The Color scheme for the Knight is: Armor Plates- Vallejo US Olive Drab, Vallejo Cav Brown for the reds, Vallejo Buff for the creamy white, Vallejo Bronze highlighted with Old Gold for the guilding and Oily Steel for the regular metal parts. I used Army Painter Strong Wash over the whole model except the Buff parts as it made it too brown.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Blood Angel Update

I have been working on finishing up my Blood angel army of late.
It is getting HUGE!
1 Converted Tycho with power armored command squad
1 Captain Kerlean
15 Terminators
3 Man squad of Centurions Grav-cannons
3 Assault Squads
10 Man Death Company on foot
9 Man Death Company with jump packs
1 Jump pack Chaplain
2 Chaplains on foot
Dante and Sanguiairy Guard Squad
10 Vanguard Veterans
10 Sternguards
1 Furioso Dreadnought
1 Regular Dread
1 Land Raider
3 Predators
4 Rhinos
3 Razorbacks
5 10 Man Tactical Squads
2 Devastator Squads with 5 man each
1 Sanguinius Model from non-GW
1 Astorath The Grim
1 Terminato Librarian
1 Power Armor Librarian

Here are some pictures of a few of the models:
One of my new Death Company

An idea of part of my army.

One Sanguiairy Guard

Another shot

My Blood Angel Terminator Libraian

I did a lot of work on him

Horus Heresy

Well I have been busy for the past few months but I'm back with some updates.

I have been bitten by the Horus Heresy bug bad!! I have started a Sons of Horus army. It includes:
2 x 15 man Tactical Squads
5 Man Plasma gun support squad
10 Man Veteran Squad with double heavy bolters
5 Man Devastator Squad with Heavy Bolters
7 Man Devastator Squad with Missile Launchers
1 Praetor
1 Centurion Chaplain
2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts with Khaeres Assault Cannons
1 Land Raider
10 Terminators
***I also painted up a Death Guard Squad, and a couple one off models*****

Veteran Son of Horus
Son of Horus Praetor

Heresy Era Dark Angel

Here are some photos of my Night Lord Marine.

My Sons of Horus Army 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

6mm Modern Command Decision AAR

Advance Guard
Yesterday I played a scenario from the table-top teasers set entitled Advance Guard from C. S. Grant. The situation was two balanced advance guards were tasked to secure vital ground for the upcoming offensive. There were two objectives, a small town and a bridge crossing a river. Here is the table layout at the beginning.
Small town where Americans enter on bottom and river crossing with Chinese entry top left.
The forces used were:
Stryker Battalion with attached recon platoon and Stryker ATGM.
Chinese Mechanized Battalion with attached Type ZTZ 99A company and ATGM vehicle.

I had one mech infantry company each side and an attachment come on as the advance guard on turn one. 

2nd Company with attached ATGM comes on table towards the bridge.
Turn One: The roll for who has initiative came up Chinese. The Chinese company commander knowing he needed to secure the bridge and the small town decided to strike immediately for the currently unsecured town in hopes of being able to keep the Americans out the town until his re-enforcements arrive. 
The Americans move directly for the town to secure it and send out the recon element to scout out the bridge.

Chinese attack

A Co moves to town, recon moves out.

Turn Two:
The roll came up again for the Reds who continued to press on looking to drive out A company. They came under fire from A co Mortar which only slowed them down a bit but did no damage. No other fire was exchanged and the US recon element continued it's move toward the hill overlooking the bridge.
Chinese top left under mortar fire.

Turn Three:
The Chinese continue to get the rolls to start off! The drive at break-neck speed toward to town as the A company sets up and starts to open fire (though there are no hits including the mortar). The ATGM from the reds wants to fire into those soft strykers but is suppressed by the recon element's mortar which inflicts a hit and causes it to go pinned!
Recon element on bottom corner of hill near river laying down fire on the red ATGM.

Turn Four:
The Chinese again get the roll for initiative! They continue to roll forward but are now in range of A company's guns. The mortar lays down fire but no damage and the MGS takes out an apc! It's not looking good for the Americans. But then A company's infantry platoons open up wiping out a Chinese platoon. The Chinese return fire scores two hits on one American platoon but it rolls for no effect! Both sides take morale tests and everybody passes! The Chinese roll a 1, so the fight continues!

Turn Five:
The Chinese assault on the town continues as the ATGM can't get in because it is still pinned by the recon's mortar. The Red infantry supported by prep fire from the apcs moves to close assault the nearest American building. One platoon makes it and then wipes out the Americans by rolling a 10 on the hit result table! The other platoon doesn't make it and is left in the open taking fire from A Company. The MGS takes out another apc. Both sides check morale and the Americans pass and the Chinese finally fail sending them falling back demoralized.
Chinese fall back.

 Turn Six:
The American continue to pump fire into the broken Chinese company without scoring hits and the mortar from A company keeps up the pin on the ATGM of the Chinese. That allows the recon element to make a sprint for the bridge! The morale test for the chinese company comes up roses as the are not wiped out but are still pinned and demoralized.
I rolled at this point for the reserves for both sides and they both rolled to come on! Just in time for the Chinese!

Turn Seven:
Both sides reserves roll in but this time the Americans get the iniatitve to move first. B Company moves double time to secure firing positions in the woods halfway to the bridge, as C Company and HQ move to the center of the board to form a broad front. The Chinese let off a mech company and ATGM into the small woods along their road for a firebase and the the other mech company, HQ, and tank company move directly for the bridge which the US recon element just crossed!
Chinese positions after movement. Note the small recon element on left of bridge! uh oh.

B Co in woods and C Co with Hq in center

B Co position waiting till next turn to deploy infantry and hopefully light up the reds with their Javelins!

The only firing took place when finally the broken Chinese platoons succumbed to American fire.
Turn Eight:
The Chinese get to move first and deploy their tanks to take out the recon element. In op fire the recon squad fires its Javelin which misses! The Chinese tanks then open up and only cause one hit for a forced back! The Chinese mech company and HQ race over the bridge and deploy their infantry. The Americans deploy and open up but they are too far away to score hits! The only American fire that hits was the mortars which did a good job suppressing the Chinese mech company in the woods but little else. The morale phase brought grief to the Chinese when their tank company fell back and went pinned along the road from fire, but the rest stood firm as well as the Americans.
Only a force back.

Deploy and fire taking out the recon stryker but doing nothing to the mortar stryker.

Turn Nine:
With movement by the Americans first the Chinese hold up digging in waiting till the Americans come within range. In the general fire phase B Company scores two solid hits on the Chinese tank company destroying two tank platoons but also lose a platoon to tank
 return fire. The mortars actually cause hits this time on the Chinese infantry in the woods and with great dice rolling wipe out two of their platoons! All other fire is ineffective except the MGS from A co takes out the still pinned ATGM in the middle of the board. The morale phase was good for the Americans who passed handily all the checks but the Chinese tank company became demoralized after being decimated by the American Javelins.

Turns Ten through Eleven:
The following turns saw the destruction of the recon element by the Chinese forces at the bridge and the reduction of the Chinese company in the woods by effective combined fire from two American companies. The Chinese ATGM though finally did something and took out C Company's MGS platoon causing them to fall back. At that point we saw that the Chinese had been reduced to an effective fighting force of one mechanized infantry company and battalion HQ. The Americans had lost a total of 2 infantry platoons, 1 MGS, and the recon element. We called the game then as the Chinese battalion commander wisely retreated leaving the bridge and town to the American Stryker Battalion!

ATGM taken out.

MGS from C Company taken out.

What's left of the infantry company in the woods.

The Chinese finish off the recon element.

The table at the end with the US of A in control.