
Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Slaughter Cult is incoming!

I picked up the Khorne Deamonkin book recently and decided to do some painting! I have several Chaos space marine squads and berzerker squads from way back that I never really finished. I decided to paint them up based off a scheme I found in the book. I chose the white accents on black and deep red. It seemed a much better scheme to use so as to not be confused with my Blood Angels. I really like the scheme as it gives a bloody, dark,vicious feel to the army!

I picked up a few extra boxes to round out some and before I knew it I had another large army to paint!
1 Converted AOS Khorne warlord
36 ish Khorne berzerkers
40 ish Chaos Space Marines
10 Terminators
10 Bloodletters
2 Chaos lords
1 Converted Abaddon
3 Hellbrutes
1 Predator
7 ish Chosen
1 HUGE Bloodthirster for UltraForge.
60 Cultists
10 Warp Talons
20 Beastmen Gors (thinking use as bloodletters because I really like the models and remember somewhere Khorne has beastmen running around!)

I have about 1/3 to 1/4 painted up so far and am bouncing back and forth with different armies trying to finish them off and get table-top ready.

 Here are a couple pictures of my terminator with autocannon.

Two Squad leaders.

I really like the bone white weapons and helmet.

Chaos Marines have such awesomely detailed models! Yuge fan of the axe

The deamon in his armor plates was fun to paint.

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