
Monday, August 22, 2016

Adeptus Mechcanicus!

I purchased an army worth of Skitarii last spring on the cheap through e-bay. I bought 3 getting started boxes, two Kastelan Robot boxes, two Skitarii Vanguard squad boxes, 4 Ruststalkers/Infiltrators boxes, and finally (but not least) a Renegade box with 2!! Imperial Knights! Included in the getting started boxes were 3 Skitarii Ranger squads, 3 Onager Duncrawlers, and 3 Tech Priest Dominus.

My paint scheme was going to be a cobalt blue and deep blue with white highlights but after painting a squad of Vanguard and a Kastelan I didn't like it. So I switched over to a Ryza style paint scheme using Vallejo game color "orange fire" as my orange. Whew... it really make the model POP!
Here you can see the blue scheme vs the orange one.

Much more eye catching!

A Ruststalker.
Here you can see the vast difference between the color schemes. I REALLY like the orange fire color. I used Army Painter red wash to shade the orange and vallejo cavalry brown as the red accent. I ended up using the cobalt blue as ground color as they are fighting over a rich mineral world searching for STC's!
WIP one of the Imperial Knights. I used different colors so I could use him in other armies.
The Color scheme for the Knight is: Armor Plates- Vallejo US Olive Drab, Vallejo Cav Brown for the reds, Vallejo Buff for the creamy white, Vallejo Bronze highlighted with Old Gold for the guilding and Oily Steel for the regular metal parts. I used Army Painter Strong Wash over the whole model except the Buff parts as it made it too brown.

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