
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Horus Heresy

Well I have been busy for the past few months but I'm back with some updates.

I have been bitten by the Horus Heresy bug bad!! I have started a Sons of Horus army. It includes:
2 x 15 man Tactical Squads
5 Man Plasma gun support squad
10 Man Veteran Squad with double heavy bolters
5 Man Devastator Squad with Heavy Bolters
7 Man Devastator Squad with Missile Launchers
1 Praetor
1 Centurion Chaplain
2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts with Khaeres Assault Cannons
1 Land Raider
10 Terminators
***I also painted up a Death Guard Squad, and a couple one off models*****

Veteran Son of Horus
Son of Horus Praetor

Heresy Era Dark Angel

Here are some photos of my Night Lord Marine.

My Sons of Horus Army 

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